CRM Audio
Joel Lindstrom, Shawn Tabor, George Doubinski, Matthew C Anderson, Mark Smi
CRM Audio is a network of podcasts about Dynamics 365, Dynamics CRM, personal productivity, and Power BI hosted by Microsoft Business Solutions MVP's Joel Lindstrom, George Doubinski, Shawn Tabor, Mark Smith, and Scott Sewell and productivity expert Matthew C. Anderson. We are the original CRM MVP Podcast. Podcasts in the feed: CRM Audio - a roundtable discussion of all things CRM, including what's new, best practices, and answers to your CRM questions and Power BI. Power BI and More - Microsoft Business Solutions MVP Scott Sewell teaches you how to learn Power BI and effectively use it with Dynamics 365. Prodcast - All about personal productivity. We get deep into productivity and cut through the hype around productivity tools, and tell you what's not productive.
Business professionals, entrepreneurs, ages 30-55, gender-balanced, US, UK, and Europe.
Business strategies, entrepreneurship, leadership, startups.
Pre-roll and mid-roll ads, host-read ads, B2B services or productivity tools.
Moderate - Business and entrepreneurship are established topics, but competitive.
B2B services, consulting, financial services, productivity tools, SaaS platforms.