Does College Matter?
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
With soaring student debt, innovative technology, and new-fashioned careers—we wanted to ask the question: does college still matter? The second season of "Does College Matter?" will bring you insights from role models who have navigated a variety of worlds - from college and entrepreneurship to coding academies and the work place. With thought leaders such as Google's Chief Education Evangelist, Jaime Casap; the CEO of Remind, Brett Kopf; and Sarah Green-Carmichael from Harvard Business Review chiming in, we ask entrepreneurs, podcasters, educators, and students alike: did college matter for you?
Tech enthusiasts, ages 25-45, majority male, global but with focus on the US and Europe.
Technology trends, innovation, digital transformation, AI.
Host-read ads, mid-roll ads, product sponsorships related to technology or software.
High - Tech and innovation are fast-growing fields with increasing listener demand.
Tech companies, software platforms, consumer electronics, online education for tech.