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Education On Fire - Sharing creative and inspiring learning in our schools


Mark Taylor


The aim and driving force of Education on Fire is to share creative and inspiring learning from around the world. How do you create an environment for children to learn, thrive and explore? Mark Taylor host and creator of Education on Fire will take you on journey that will show us all how people are already doing this in the current educational systems. We will give you actionable tips on how to recreate or implement these ideas in your school. This is not talking about what if, but showing you the wonders of what already is!
We also understand that learning comes from our wider community, such as family and friends. The quote by Jim Rohn 'You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with' is so true. So why restrict ourselves to our immediate surroundings in a world that connects you to world leaders in a variety of fields across the globe. So we help you discover the key to their educational experiences, the best advice they were ever given and what they would tell their younger self. True gold to inspire our children.
If you want your 'Education' to be 'On Fire' please join us and listen now.


General interest, ages 18-50, gender-balanced, global.


General interest, entertainment, lifestyle topics.


Pre-roll, mid-roll ads, host-read ads, general product sponsorships.


Moderate - General interest shows have broad appeal but face strong competition.

E-commerce, general consumer products, entertainment, lifestyle brands.


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