Expert Dojo "The Art of Startup War"
Expert Dojo
"The Art of Start Up War" is a weekly startup investment podcast created by Brian Mac Mahon, the CEO of The Expert Dojo Startup Accelerator in Santa Monica, California. This podcast was built to educate entrepreneurs on how to avoid the 98% failure rate that ALL new businesses face. Your host and Sensei Brian, interviews the most influential global movers and shakers of early stage angel and venture investment right here in Silicon Beach. Tune in for new episodes each week on Tuesday at 10am (PST) helping you fight the war against start up failure.
Business professionals, entrepreneurs, ages 30-55, gender-balanced, US, UK, and Europe.
Business strategies, entrepreneurship, leadership, startups.
Pre-roll and mid-roll ads, host-read ads, B2B services or productivity tools.
Moderate - Business and entrepreneurship are established topics, but competitive.
B2B services, consulting, financial services, productivity tools, SaaS platforms.