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David Senra


Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and find ideas you can use in your work. This quote explains why: "There are thousands of years of history in which lots and lots of very smart people worked very hard and ran all types of experiments on how to create new businesses, invent new technology, new ways to manage etc. They ran these experiments throughout their entire lives. At some point, somebody put these lessons down in a book. For very little money and a few hours of time, you can learn from someone's accumulated experience. There is so much more to learn from the past than we often realize. You could productively spend your time reading experiences of great people who have come before and you learn every time." —Marc Andreessen


Tech enthusiasts, ages 25-45, majority male, global but with focus on the US and Europe.


Technology trends, innovation, digital transformation, AI.


Host-read ads, mid-roll ads, product sponsorships related to technology or software.


High - Tech and innovation are fast-growing fields with increasing listener demand.

Tech companies, software platforms, consumer electronics, online education for tech.


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