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Live - Build - Change


Carey Green


LIVE your faith, BUILD your business, CHANGE your world. Simply put, that's what LBC is all about. My name is Carey Green and you could call me a "Business Pastor," I guess. I've served local churches for over 20 years as a pastor and in 2013 sensed that the calling to shepherd a local church family was over. That's when I took steps to create my own online business and I've been amazed to see what God has done with it in a short amount of time. The main thing I've discovered is that authentic Christian faith serves as the best foundation for successful business and that when the two are joined together great things can be accomplished that are truly able to change the world. I invite you to join me as we discover together what it might look like for you to LIVE your faith, BUILD a business, and CHANGE the world. or contact Carey(at)


Business professionals, entrepreneurs, ages 30-55, gender-balanced, US, UK, and Europe.


Business strategies, entrepreneurship, leadership, startups.


Pre-roll and mid-roll ads, host-read ads, B2B services or productivity tools.


Moderate - Business and entrepreneurship are established topics, but competitive.

B2B services, consulting, financial services, productivity tools, SaaS platforms.


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