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Real Estate Espresso


Victor Menasce


Your morning shot of what's new in the world of real estate investing. Daily real estate investment outlook from investor, syndicator, developer and author Victor J. Menasce, so that you can compress timeframes as a real estate investor or developer. Weekday shows are 5 minutes of high energy, high impact awesomeness. The weekend edition consists of interviews with notable guests including Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Helms, Peter Schiff, Chris Martenson, Mark Victor Hansen, George Ross, Ed Griffin, Dr. Doug Duncan, and many more.


Software developers, ages 22-40, majority male, global.


Web development, software engineering, programming languages, coding trends.


Host-read ads, mid-roll ads, technical product sponsorships or coding platforms.


Niche - Developer content has a loyal but specialized audience.

Developer tools, cloud computing, coding bootcamps, SaaS products for developers.


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