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The Business of Psychology


Dr Rosie Gilderthorp


Are you a mental health professional with a feeling in the pit of your stomach that the system is BROKEN?

Did you start your training full of ideas about changing the landscape of mental health for the better but now you find you are so busy seeing people in crisis that you don't have time to do any of it?

Do you KNOW that we need to get out of our therapy rooms and start reaching people in other ways? Do you KNOW that the key to better mental health is prevention not crisis management?

If you do then join me for a mix practical skills, strategies and inspirational interviews with psychologists and therapists just like you who are using their skills to do BIG things way beyond the therapy room.

Prepare to get your "trainee spirit" back.


General interest, ages 18-50, gender-balanced, global.


General interest, entertainment, lifestyle topics.


Pre-roll, mid-roll ads, host-read ads, general product sponsorships.


Moderate - General interest shows have broad appeal but face strong competition.

E-commerce, general consumer products, entertainment, lifestyle brands.


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