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The Job Search Solution


Tony Beshara


The Job Search Solution podcast discusses every aspect of finding a job as well as hiring. The whole hiring and firing process in today's fast changing job market is demystified and simplified by the country's #1 placement and recruitment specialist. Tony has interviewed more than 29,000 professionals since 1973 and personally been involved in successfully placing more than 11,000 of them in a new job or new career. He is in the trenches daily speaking with candidates and employers and he imparts what he has learned and what he sees happening in these podcasts.


General interest, ages 18-50, gender-balanced, global.


General interest, entertainment, lifestyle topics.


Pre-roll, mid-roll ads, host-read ads, general product sponsorships.


Moderate - General interest shows have broad appeal but face strong competition.

E-commerce, general consumer products, entertainment, lifestyle brands.


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